Height: 12.5cm
Material: Lacquered glass
Mount: Shiny silver ball-shaped mounting
Color: Grey
Volume: 390 ml
The new Serenity Lampe Berger is aptly named: with its delicate and reassuring shape, it adds a soothing touch to the home. A fragrance diffuser that will blend in to all decorative themes with its smoky grey colour. Its transparent lacquered glass body adds a luminous touch, enhanced by the shiny silver ball-shaped mounting and engraved Lampe Berger. This lamp is also available in chestnut, for a warmer atmosphere.
The Serenity Lampe Berger will add a soothing touch to your home. Create a delicate and Zen atmosphere with this smoky grey lacquered glass diffuser.
OBS: Husk at købe tilhørende brændevæske - enten neutral (uden lugt) eller med æterisk olie (vælg mellem forskellige dufte).
Den Originale luftrensende lampe fra Lampe Berger stammer helt tilbage fra 1898.
Lampen fjerner og neutraliserer de skadelige partikler og resultatet er ren, frisk luft i rummet. Vi forurener ofte ubevist luften i rummene omkring os med stearinlys, by-forurening, elektroniske devises, madlavning osv. dette efterlader masser af små skadelig mikropartikler i luften, som ikke er sunde for vores luftveje. Disse partikler fjerner den luftrensende lampe optil 68 % af ved en ganske simple katalytisk forbrænding og efterlader luften omkring frisk og behagelig at indånde igen.
Du kan vælge at rense luften med eller uden duft. Ønsker du duftfri – skal du vælge Neutral og ønsker du duft – så kan du vælge mellem vores store duftunivers - alle dufte baseret på æteriske olier.
What is a Lampe Berger/Maison Berger Paris?
The famous Lampe Berger/Maison Berger Paris, Fragrance diffusers or “lamps” have centuries of history yet remain contemporary and functional, adding an elegant touch of style and scent to any room. Formulated with non-toxic, fast evaporating and purifying ingredients, our beautifully unique and iconic glass fragrance lamps are available in several styles, scents and a fragrance-free option. And, we respect the earth. Our lamps are refillable.
- Purifies the air
- Neutralize odors
- Choose between many natural fragrances or neutral (bought separately)
Case: blue cardboard gift box, in the standardized brand design. The “gift” aspect is strengthened by an embossed ribbon illustration. Inside, the lamp comes in a protective pouch and a separate box contains the accessories. Multilingual instructions inside.
How to use it?
1. Fill up the lamp bottle with Lampe Berger fragrances not more than 2/3 of the bottle level
2. Let it sit with the stopper on and let the wick soak for 15-20 mins. Then remove the stopper
3. Light up the catalytic burner for 2-3 minutes. (The flame will be very large at the beginning but there is no smoke. The burner gets heated up. Never leave a burning lamp unattended and keep it away from things that catch fire.)
4. Blow the flame off the catalytic burner after 2-3 minutes
5. Let the fragrance diffuse for 30 -60 minutes
6. Put back the stopper to stop the lamp from diffusing